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At Moxie Travel our Goal is for YOU to Design and Discover an Extraordinary Adventure Holiday in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This Hub is designed to offer a range of practical, relevant, up-to-date resources for adventure travellers with New Zealand on their horizon.

Right now, it’s just a bubba. But it’s gonna grow. And how that looks depends on what you need.

New Zealand Hiking - Five Passes

Check Out What We've Created So Far:

Hiking in New Zealand

Trail types, accommodation options, transport and caring for Aotearoa’s environment.

Mountain Biking in New Zealand

How it works, top spots, grading and trail etiquette.

So if you can’t find what you’re looking for, we’d love to hear from you.
Tell us what we’re missing. Ask us that burning question. Let us know what you need.

We’ll offer a little local beta and we’ll use your feedback to make this Hub the best it can be.

Don’t be shy!
We’re keen to hear from you and we’re open to anything!

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